Custom Cursor Drawing

Alyssa Foote

Art Director & Illustrator


As an associate creative director at Uber, my roles included creative strategy, art direction, hiring and managing illustrators, collaborating with the marketing and product teams to create multimedia campaigns, creating illustration guidelines, and working with producers in-house to develop digital assets for use throughout the company. 

Role:  Associate Creative Director
Teams:  Brand & Creative Team
Partners:  The Jacky Winter Group, Synergy Art, MUTI, Folio, Closer & Closer 

Uber Brand illustrations - On the left two people riding in the backseat, on the right a man waiting for his train

Artists featured: Steve Scott, Ross Murray, Michele Marconi, Tommy Parker

Illustration Credits

01 - Backseat rider and transit dude by the incredible Ross Murray / 02 - Woman getting into car for U4B and man holding new phone screen by the talented Michele Marconi / 03 - Woman running errands and a company team gettin’ Uber Eats by the incomprable Steve Scott / 04 - Woman holding phone for Uber for Families by Michele Marconi / 05 - Soccer team by Ross Murray / 06 - Uber Transit by the superb Jason Solo / 07- Uber for Business holiday party by Michele Marconi / 08 - Uber Gift Cards by Ross Murray / 08 - Uber for Business two business women in front of the office by Michele Marconi / 09 - Uber Eats illustrations by the wonderful MUTI / 10 - Man holding phone of an Uber driver by Jason Solo / 11 - Uber Driver by the lovely Estudio Santa Rita / 12 (top left) U4B airport dude by Michele Marconi / 13 (top right) team eating Uber Eats by Steve Scott / 14 (bottom left) woman in a wheelchair getting into her Uber by Steve Scott / 15 (bottom right) ballet teen by Ross Murray